Yusuke Komatsu
The photos of Tokyo-born Yusuke Komatsu examine the quietly persistent expressions of everyday life in the city, interpreting elements of weather, urban structures, negative space, and people through his insightful gaze. His interest in photography began as a graphic design student in university in Hong Kong, researching street typography for a class project. Wandering the streets with camera in hand, he found himself happily engrossed and ultimately enthralled by the famous street photography he happened upon. Today, in addition to his photography, he continues to pursue his graphic design career and is co-owner of a design shop.
After moving back to Tokyo following graduation, Yusuke began taking photos as a way to reacquaint himself with his native city. He found Tokyo to be an ideal locale, in sync with and inspiring to his perspective as a graphic designer with its vibrant mix of lines, colors, forms and shapes. His approach continues to evolve, and he now shoots street photography with a Fujifilm X-Pro2 and edits exclusively with Lightroom.
Instagram: @yskkmt2
Yusuke’s Books
Yusuke's work is featured in Trope Tokyo, the fourth volume in the Trope City Edition series, which showcases the quiet traditionalism and sleek futurism of this iconic city.