Through the Eyes Of... Stella Yan

Through the Eyes Of... Stella Yan

Through the Eyes of... Stella Yan (@st_ella) The Bund, Shanghai

‘Through The Eyes Of’ is an impressionistic photo series that features locations around the globe as seen through the eyes of a local creator. As a photographer, developing a visual story is an important skill to practice and can have greater impact than a single photo. In today's photo essay, Shanghai-based photographer Stella Yan takes us through a series of images all shot at The Bund.

Stella Yan, Trope Publishing Co

Whether it‘s day time or nighttime taking pictures around The Bund area always makes me so pleased.

Stella Yan, Trope Publishing Co

The Bund area is really a good spot to capture sunrise photos. I took these first two photos around 5 o’clock. During that time there won’t be too many people and the sun light is really amazing. Walking around The Bund you can always find interesting scenes, such as people who get up early to work, people who practice Tai Chi there and so on. I think shooting sunrise is a very good way to start the day. And, it feels good to breathe the fresh air in the morning.

Stella Yan, Trope Publishing Co

Shooting The Bund at night is another magnificent scene. The area along the river faces the modern skyscrapers of Lujiazui area and all the high-rise buildings will light up around 7 pm. These buildings are also the most representative buildings in Shanghai, including the Oriental Pearl Tower, Jin Mao Tower, the World Financial Center, and the Shanghai Center. For this photo, I used the mobile phone screen to make reflections in front of my camera lens, so that the final output of this photo showed a phantom effect.

Stella Yan, Trope Publishing Co

The Bund in Shanghai has historical buildings, and the skyscrapers on the other side can be seen. It is a place that I will never get tired of photographing.