Behind the Shot: Veronika Marx

Behind the Shot: Veronika Marx

Photographer Veronika Marx shares some behind-the-scenes insights into some of the exciting performers featured in her upcoming book, Life as a Cabaret, written with Mark Anthony.


Jake Dupree

Jake Dupree effortlessly captivates the audience's hearts and leaves a lasting impression. It was an honor to showcase both his undeniable charm and remarkable talent in one of my images.


Mark Anthony

Mark Anthony stands out not only as a supremely talented burlesque performer but also as an incredibly talented writer. With his captivating stage presence and exceptional writing skills, he leaves a lasting impression on both the stage and the page.


Mysti Vine

Mysti Vine radiates as one of the first burlesque performers out there. She boasts the biggest heart, brightest smile, and an endless talent that knows no bounds. Her pioneering spirit, warmth, and endless creativity continue to inspire audiences, leaving an indelible mark on the world of burlesque.


The Vicar’s Daughter

The Vicar's Daughter shines as an incredibly funny performer with a heart of gold. With her infectious humor and genuine kindness, she brings joy to every stage she graces. It was so much fun taking her photo.


The Chocolate Showboy

The Chocolate Showboy shines as not only a supremely talented dancer in the most famous cabaret in Paris, but also as one of the kindest people. With his mesmerizing performances and genuine kindness, he lights up the stage and spreads joy wherever he goes.

Learn more about Life as a Cabaret here